Thursday, June 28, 2012

Barns and CSAs

Several of our favorite historic barns are home to working farms that are run as CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) - what a great way to live sustainably by eating local food AND conserving great old local buildings!

Here's Wild Carrot CSA at the 1870 Bristol Barn next to the Farmington River in Canton.

A couple of others are the Massaro Farm in Woodbridge and the Woodbridge Farm in Salem - those Woodbridges did get around!

Also Rosedale Farm in Simsbury where there is a walking trail in addition to tobacco barns, wine, and veggies.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Signs of Spring!

It was great to be outside yesterday, visiting a historic dairy farm, now enjoying new life as Crossen Arabians - here's this year's new foal, 3 weeks old. That was the most obvious sign that a new season is arriving any day now.

More to celebrate today:

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Winter Reflections

from Jonathan Papers by Elisabeth Woodbridge Morris, 1912 One hundred years later, the barns that were groomed and spiffed up in Elisabeth's time, have returned to the "unkempt" condition that she loved.  Though, if not groomed a bit, they're apt to collapse entirely!